24 July 2013

Gotta make a move to a town that's right for me

Completed my first DITY move!  It was not as hectic and annoying as a state-to-state or country-to-country move, but it was a good learning experience.  Things to keep in mind:

  • Whenever you are getting ready to move, as soon as you know and have your hard-copy orders, visit TMO (Transportation Office, located somewhere with other in/out-processing offices) to know when you need to start making arrangements with them.  FSH's TMO requires a 3-month request for a move from the date of actual pick up (of HHGs by the movers or when you're actually moving out).  Then, with processing moving to an online format, one has to check the DPS website for filling out paperwork to get approved, submitted, processed, etc.  This takes time, so getting on the ball as soon as possible, to cover any holes in paperwork, will only help.

  • Save copies of all receipts from a move.  This includes lodging while in transit, truck/equipment rental fees you paid out-of-pocket, and any other piece of paper you get during the whole process.  For my PPM, I had to get copies of weigh tickets that had my name, SSN, rank/service, etc.  I later found out that I had to put the make/model of the rental truck I used!  I was only told this at the very end when I was about to submit everything on me.  I made a note in the ICE (comment service for any military installation) about this lack of instruction in a timely manner.  Even if you check and double-check, someone, due to human error, fails to tell you what you may need to do and it will be last minute before you know anything, so be prepared for anything!

  • Ensure that you've planned your route.  I planned my route for the entire move, from the weigh station, to my old apartment to the new, and the round-trip total.  I should have more accurately tracked my mileage (with photos, perhaps) to give proof of the distance I had to cover for this move.  TMO stated my move was 20 miles worth.  It was really 60.  Go figure.

  • Save money by borrowing or asking for stuff, such as boxes, for the moving process!  I simply posted a personal, little "ad" on my FB page and a couple other folks, who also recently moved, were more than happy to get rid of their moving boxes! 

  • Don't forget to submit a change-of-address (if you need/want to) ahead of time.  The post office usually takes a good 1-2 weeks to process this. 

  • Ensure that everything you own is somewhat trackable.  If you have to put in a claim due to stolen or damaged goods, you'll have a better chance of being reimbursed by knowing serial numbers, having receipts of purchases, etc.  Or...just not have a lot of stuff in the first place :)

  • Finally, don't be too eager to spend the reimbursed money you get back.  It sometimes is a greater amount that what you actually spent.  I mentioned this earlier, but greater amount of funds (incentive pay) is taxable and you will get a W-2 for this.  Be careful come the next April's tax season. 
I just finished unpacking a great majority of my things, save for getting rid of the boxes I used, and turned in my PPM paperwork to TMO and finally finance.  I waited for 3-4 hours in 3 different lines just for this turn-in process.  Perhaps it's the furloughs that are affecting manpower to get this paperwork through.  I overheard that DFAS will take a good 1-1.5 months to actually process the travel voucher claims because they're undermanned.  Be patient with the money.  But get your paperwork squared away on your end as cleanly as possible.

By the way, I love my new apartment!  I can see the city; it's next to the Riverwalk, I can run to my gym, I can run ON the Riverwalk, there's a lounge with internet, a little pool, and an apartment gym with a ROWER.  A CrossFit workout or two is doable there!  Oh, and I love my kitchen, my new in-room washer/dryer, my cement floors and walls, high ceilings, (ramble on...)

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