15 July 2013

Checking off the boxes

Finally getting my laptop in tomorrow!  I am always checking on the shipping tracker every day.  It's refurbished (we'll see how well it works; praying it doesn't crap out after the 90-day return policy expires), but it packs a lot of speed and hard drive space.  This particular model has the option of upgrading memory by replacing the slot-load disc drive (but you'll only be interested if you're technie enough to want that :)). 

I got my PPM paperwork approved.  I'll print those out and make sure I'm following the checklist of tasks which they have provided.  It seems that every Transpo Office may have their own little ways to process this.  See my previous posts on DITY moves.  I can now proceed with collecting my reciepts and move into the new(er) apartment!  I did a FB shout-out for any unwanted boxes to assist in lowering my moving expenses.  So far this is what I have to pay for:
  • Truck rental (but you can use your own or borrow someone elses)
  • Fees for weighing the truck when empty (tare weight) and full (gross weight)
  • Any gas/other rental costs
That seems to be it!  Yay!  Didn't have to buy boxes or other moving supplies so far because a few friends generously gave me theirs, and one of them even had furniture blankets and papers to wrap the dishware!

My goal is to pack every, single item into that truck I rented so that I only have one big weight ticket to show TMO.  I hope this works out...

Sort of along the same topic of moving: I bought a new washer/dryer set.  Found a sale at Best Buy, split the costs with my roomie while both of us opened up a small credit card to help us build up our credit scores.  It's very do-able cost-wise, and we can always have a new washer/dryer to keep or sell later.  This works well for any young person starting off after getting paid bigger bucks.

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