08 July 2013


My report date is 04SEP13.  I am not sure if that is when BOLC (training) starts, or if that relates only to Baylor's personnel, or both.  Either way, it's the first day of my active duty career. Tired of being labeled a reservist (there's nothing wrong with some of them, but I've been wanting to go AD my whole career...it's a bit of a story; not going to bore you with it). 

EDIT!  Just found out that I will be reporting in (and commissioning into AD) on 06SEP13, NOT on the 4th!  A mistake by HRC (or someone dealing with paperwork...) that was thankfully discovered by the folks at Army-Baylor!  All it took was me asking a question, forwarding my documents for someone else to have a glance over, and resulting in a potentially big need to fix my assignment and report date!  Sigh... this is why you need to take care of YOURSELF when it comes to your personnel file.  Ask questions on everything, i.e. "What does PEBD mean?" "Is this date accurate?" "Do I get credit for...".  HAVE ATTENTION TO DETAIL!

Although I'm not a direct commissionee, and I've had ROTC experience to make my BOLC time just another review over stuff I know, I'm still going to have to attend the pre-BOLC phase.  This gives me an opportunity to meet my to-be classmates.  We will be a cohort, which means we will be in close vicinity to one another for a few years.  This is an interesting situation where getting along and working together will make or break the experience of a stressful graduate course.  I am lucky to experience this with my athletic training cohort back in the UG days, so I am well aware of the challenges when "getting along" with other people for years at a time.

According to the BOLC overview, the common core course (pertains to all types of medical officers) lasts about 7 weeks.  Then we have another phase where we are split up into training for our respective AOCs.  Every AOC has different timelines for this phase.  I'm considered a 65B, which will last from 1-2 weeks, not sure yet.  During that time, I'm going to do an orientation, have some "mock" class time; it's supposed to be very relaxed and easy, based on my upperclassmen's input.  I don't doubt it, as the next 24 months, starting Jan 2014, may be a little rough.  (FYI: I will first be considered a 00E (a Google search on designators defines this as simply "officer student"), but will be awarded the 65B AOC later.)

While I'm on the topic, for DPT school, there are two phases: Phase I: From 2014 to 2015.  Phase II: 2015-2016. 

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