04 September 2013

A ditty on the post-DITY results

Other than successfully moving into my new apartment, and after the hurry-up-wait-wait-longer-get-moved-to-another-line-to-wait-and-complete-a-30-second-transaction at Transpo, I got a nice notice that my PPM reimbursment came in and was directly deposited into my account.  For once, I got something done on time, and it has to do with funds!  The caveate is that this amount is taxable, so if you make more, you obviously get taxed more.  Better watch out and save reciepts to itemize come next April.

Also, today we did a diagnostic APFT with the recruiter.  Met a couple of my classmates- nice people.  Not too shabby on the APFT, either.  Didn't push the run.  Will shave off that minute during the record in a few weeks. 

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