24 September 2013

Update 2: Asessment of COAs

Well, I'm still waiting for "actual" BOLC, the Common Core Course, as they call it. 

In one of my previous posts, Developing COAs, I had the following to complete in order to finish my in-processing.  Since I haven't reported in to the BOLC personnel (I will be assigned to D-Co 187th, but attached to A-Co 187th...((attached units in the Situation Paragraph! gasp- maybe some readers will get this poor joke)).  Those COAs and the updates are as follows:
 - Finalize my BOLC packing list - Going to do another check before I report on 06OCT13.  Can't go wrong with too many PCCs, I guess.

 - Gave up on trying to get my CAC before BOLC.  The system says I still am assigned with a little "green card" so until that changes, I can't even go in to get a CAC, for some reason.  I'll just have to wait like everyone else again. FINALLY got that CAC.  It was weird walking around flashing my "green card" that had only PFC/E3 on it while I had butter bars on my uniform. To add a little insult to injury, it was the wrong prior-service rank, but at this point it's in the past and it doesn't matter.  Apparently a lot of folks had CAC issuing issues in my group so it was just HR's problem.

 - Solidify deferment of student loans.  Every loan servicer is different, so make sure it gets confirmed and you print out any paperwork related to extending your grace period!  - Still have to do this in November...sigh.

 - I apparently do not need my ed-delay status any longer since I'll be starting AD on Friday!  For this one, I can just wait it out, I think. Ed-Delay only applies to folks who actually attended a school after commissioning (i.e. Pharmacy students who don't get AD commission until they complete their coursework).  It didn't apply to me, a nice HR lady informed me.  Wow.  Hard to get and here I am not needing it? 

 - Attend commissioning ceremony on Friday and smile over the fact that the ball is rolling from here on out.   Nice ceremony- very well-planned and timely.  Met most of my classmates and they all seem really cool.  Here's to a new year with a fresh start!  Rev the engines!

Now for the update:

I didn't need to attend Prep BOLC after all.  It may be depend on one's company commander after reporting to FSH, though.  I am prior service (plus ROTC grad), so pre BOLC only applies to direct-commissionees.  If you are JUST a ROTC grad, you may want to bring it up to the recruiter/CO when you initially report to whomever you are assigned to.  I'm assigned to D-Co, but initially reported to the Baylor staff (c/o a SSG who takes care of administrative stuff for the incoming, new LTs).  The D-Co commander decided that all prior-service didn't need to attend Pre BOLC, and made arrangements for our intra-post assignment orders (on a DA Form 4187) to state our report date for the actual BOLC date.  Thus, my BOLC report date is 06 OCT 13.  Here are my specific instructions, as the AMEDD BOLC website wasn't correct...
- Report to Blesse auditorium in Willis Hall (big AMEDD Center and School campus), between 0900-1300 in summer PTs.  Apparently in-processing officer students get height/weight checks on that day, which is a Sunday this year.  We bring in all of our paperwork.  Our high-speed SSG from Baylor got us ready to go on Medical, TRICARE/DEERS (aka CAC cards), Finance, and Dental, so it may be easier for me when I get to BOLC in-processing day. 

Apparently, when the folks who did have to attend pre BOLC went in for in-processing, they had a file of paperwork to fill out, were given time to get it done, and had to report back at 1600 for ht/wt.  I think their day ended around 1730 or so.  I also think they have early-morning PTs Monday, Wednesday, Friday (but I am not sure about Tues/Thurs).  More to follow after I go through it.

So, technically, I won't be done in-processing until I report to the common course BOLC.  Right now, it's PT every day...

13 September 2013

Came across another blog on BOLC, though still from a nurse's perspective. It's slightly different from what one might experience here in 2013 (blog was dated from 2010), but some of the points still hold true. The author is a direct-commissioned nurse (for all my nursing friends out there!).


04 September 2013

Developing Courses of Action

I've listed a number of items that I am concerned with in preparation for actual BOLC training and eventual DPT school.  Some of these items are relevant to most folks- some are not and are more personal for my situation. 

So far, I've completed the following:

- Personally procured move
- Organized paperwork (on-going process, but I did put most of it together, included amendment to orders...ugh)
- New(ish) laptop ready to go with an internet USB card which I'll need because AMEDD does not have wifi

That leaves me to complete these COAs:
- Finalize my BOLC packing list.  A new watch here, a triple-check on the clothing items there, and I should be good to go.
- Gave up on trying to get my CAC before BOLC.  The system says I still am assigned with a little "green card" so until that changes, I can't even go in to get a CAC, for some reason.  I'll just have to wait like everyone else again.
- Solidify deferment of student loans.  Every loan servicer is different, so make sure it gets confirmed and you print out any paperwork related to extending your grace period!
- I apparently do not need my ed-delay status any longer since I'll be starting AD on Friday!  For this one, I can just wait it out, I think.
- Attend commissioning ceremony on Friday and smile over the fact that the ball is rolling from here on out. 

A ditty on the post-DITY results

Other than successfully moving into my new apartment, and after the hurry-up-wait-wait-longer-get-moved-to-another-line-to-wait-and-complete-a-30-second-transaction at Transpo, I got a nice notice that my PPM reimbursment came in and was directly deposited into my account.  For once, I got something done on time, and it has to do with funds!  The caveate is that this amount is taxable, so if you make more, you obviously get taxed more.  Better watch out and save reciepts to itemize come next April.

Also, today we did a diagnostic APFT with the recruiter.  Met a couple of my classmates- nice people.  Not too shabby on the APFT, either.  Didn't push the run.  Will shave off that minute during the record in a few weeks.